使用 Perl 的猜数字游戏
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/number-guess-game-use-perl/
- rand n : 这个函数用来生成一个 0 到 n 之间的随机数,并且这个函数总是返回浮点数。所以它的结果被显式转换为整数值。
- Chomp() : 此功能用于从用户输入中删除换行符。
说明: 在程序中,while 循环运行,直到用户猜测的次数等于生成的次数或者尝试次数小于最大机会次数。如果尝试次数变得大于机会次数,则游戏停止,用户输掉游戏。如果用户在给定的概率中猜出正确的数字,那么他或她将获胜。在用户进行每一次猜测后,程序会通知用户猜测的数字是否小于、大于实际生成的数字。 在这段代码中,最初, rand 函数选择一个随机数作为 x,函数(rand k)找到一个 0 到 k 之间的随机数,由于这个随机数是一个浮点数,所以用“int”将其显式转换为整数。x 存储整数。用户被给予特定数量的机会来猜测该数量,如果该机会超过用户猜测的,则用户将会失败。
# Number Guessing Game implementation
# using Perl Programming
print "Number guessing game\n";
# rand function to generate the
# random number b/w 0 to 10
# which is converted to integer
# and store to the variable "x"
$x = int rand 10;
# variable to count the correct
# number of chances
$correct = 0;
# number of chances to be given
# to the user to guess number
# the number or it is the of
# inputs given by user into
# input box here number of
# chances are 4
$chances = 4;
$n = 0;
print "Guess a number (between 0 and 10): \n";
# while loop containing variable n
# which is used as counter value
# variable chance
while($n < $chances)
# Enter a number between 0 to 10
# Extract the number from input
# and remove newline character
chomp($userinput = <STDIN>);
# To check whether user provide
# any input or not
if($userinput != "blank")
# Compare the user entered number
# with the number to be guessed
if($x == $userinput)
# if number entered by user
# is same as the generated
# number by rand function then
# break from loop using loop
# control statement "last"
$correct = 1;
# Check if the user entered
# number is smaller than
# the generated number
elsif($x > $userinput)
print "Your guess was too low,";
print " guess a higher number than ${userinput}\n";
# The user entered number is
# greater than the generated
# number
print "Your guess was too high,";
print " guess a lower number than ${userinput}\n";
# Number of chances given
# to user increases by one
# Check whether the user
# guessed the correct number
if($correct == 1)
print "You Guessed Correct!";
print " The number was $x";
print "It was actually ${x}.";
Number guessing game
Guess a number (between 0 and 10):
Your guess was too low, guess a higher number than 5
Your guess was too low, guess a higher number than 6
Your guess was too low, guess a higher number than 8
You Guessed Correct! The number was 9