
安卓 Jetpack 合成中的惰性组件——列、行、网格

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/lazy-composables-in-Android-jet pack-compose-columns-row-grids/

在 Jetpack compose 中,我们有像这样的组件,但是当应用程序需要在一行或多列中显示大量项目时,如果由列【compose 来完成,效率就不高了。因此,我们在 Jetpack Compose 中有懒惰组件。我们主要有三种惰性组件行、列和网格。在本文中,我们将研究所有三种懒惰行为。我们将构建一个简单的应用程序,演示这三个组件的实际操作。



步骤 1:创建一个新项目(或在现有的合成项目中使用它)

要在 Android Studio Canary 版本中创建新项目,请参考文章如何使用 Jetpack Compose 在 Android Studio Canary 版本中创建新项目。

第二步:添加颜色( 可选)

打开界面>主题> Colors.kt 并添加

val GreenGfg =颜色(0x ff 0 F9 d88)

步骤 3:创建将要显示的行和列项目

打开 MainActivity.kt 并创建两个组件,一个用于行项目,一个用于列项目


// Row Item with item Number 
fun RowItem(number: Int) {

    // Simple Row Composable
        modifier = Modifier
            .size(100.dp) // Size 100 dp
            .background(Color.White) // Background White
            .border(1.dp, GreenGfg), // Border color green

        // Align Items in Center
        verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
        horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center

    ) {
        // Text Composable which displays some 
        // kind of message , text color is green
        Text(text = "This Is Item Number $number", color = GreenGfg)

// Similar to row composable created above
fun ColumnItem(number: Int) {

        modifier = Modifier
            .border(1.dp, GreenGfg),
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
        horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally

    ) {
        Text(text = "This Is Item Number $number", color = GreenGfg)


未连线可组合我们不能将可组合直接放在懒人组合里面。懒人 Composables 提供了在 LazyScope 中放置物品的功能。主要有五个重载函数。

| 功能 | 参数 | 功能 | | --- | --- | --- | | 项目 | (音乐)可设定的 | 将一个项目放入 LazyScope | | 项目 | 计数、键(可选)、可组合 | 将*计数*项放入 LazyScope 中 | | 项目 | List 组件 | 放置与列表大小相同的项目数, | | 项目 | 数组,可组合 | 放置与数组大小相同的项目数, | | 项目索引 | 阵列/列表,可组合 | 放置与数组大小相同的项目数,并提供项目(列表中)和当前项目的索引。 |

第 4.1 步:懒排



fun LazyRowExample(numbers: Array<Int>) {

    // Place A lazy Row
        contentPadding = PaddingValues(8.dp),
        horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp)
    ) {

        // item places one item on the LazyScope
        item {
            RowItem(number = 0)

        // items(count) places number of items supplied
        // as count and gives current count in the lazyItemScope
        items(10) {currentCount->
            RowItem(number = currentCount)

        // items(list/array) places number of items same as
        // the size of list/array and gives current list/array
        // item in the lazyItemScope
        items(numbers) {arrayItem-> // Here numbers is Array<Int> so we 
                                      // get Int in the scope.
            RowItem(number = arrayItem)

        // items(list/array) places number of items same 
        // as the size of list/array and gives current list/array 
        // item and currentIndex in the lazyItemScope
        itemsIndexed(numbers) { index: Int, item: Int ->
            RowItem(number = index)

第 4.2 步:懒柱



fun ColumnExample(numbers: Array<Int>) {

        contentPadding = PaddingValues(8.dp),
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp)
    ) {
        // item places one item on the LazyScope
        item {
            ColumnItem(number = 0)

        // items(count) places number of items supplied 
        // as count and gives current count in the lazyItemScope
        items(10) {currentCount->
            ColumnItem(number = currentCount)

        // items(list/array) places number of items same
        // as the size of list/array and gives current 
        // list/array item in the lazyItemScope
        items(numbers) {arrayItem->
            ColumnItem(number = arrayItem)

        // items(list/array) places number of items 
        // same as the size of list/array and gives
        // current list/array item and currentIndex 
        // in the lazyItemScope
        itemsIndexed(numbers) { index, item ->
            ColumnItem(number = index)

第 4.3 步:惰性网格

在 MainActivity.kt 中创建一个可组合的,这里我们将放置 LazyVerticalGrid。它几乎和其他惰性可组合的一样,但是它需要一个额外的参数 单元格 ,这是一行中网格项目的数量/一个项目的最小宽度。细胞可以是细胞。固定(计数),它固定一个网格行中显示的项目。它接受的另一个值是 GridCells。自适应(最小宽度),它设置每个网格项目的最小宽度。


// add the annotation, 
// since [LazyVerticalGrid] is Experimental Api
fun GridExample(numbers: Array<Int>) {
    // Lazy Vertical grid
        // fix the item in one row to be 2.
        cells = GridCells.Fixed(2),

        contentPadding = PaddingValues(8.dp),

        ) {
        item {
            RowItem(number = 0)
        items(10) {
            RowItem(number = it)
        items(numbers) {
            RowItem(number = it)
        itemsIndexed(numbers) { index, item ->
            RowItem(number = index)


现在将这三个示例都放在主活动类的 setContentView 中。


class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {

    // Creates array as [0,1,2,3,4,5,.....99]
    private val numbers: Array<Int> = Array(100) { it + 1 }

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            LazyComponentsTheme {

                    modifier = Modifier
                ) {
                    // Place the row and column 
                    // to take 50% height of screen
                    Column(Modifier.fillMaxHeight(0.5f)) {

                        // Heading
                            text = "Row",
                            color = Color.Black,
                            modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp)

                        // Lazy Row, pass the numbers array
                        LazyRowExample(numbers = numbers)

                        // Heading
                            text = "Column",
                            color = Color.Black,
                            modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp)
                        // Lazy Column, Pass the numbers array
                        LazyColumnExample(numbers = numbers)

                    Column(Modifier.fillMaxHeight()) {

                        // Heading
                            text = "Grid",
                            color = Color.Black,
                            modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp)

                        // Lazy Grid
                        GridExample(numbers = numbers)


注意:在运行这段完整的代码之前,一定要做好步骤 2,或者用自己的颜色替换 GreenGfg。


import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.foundation.ExperimentalFoundationApi
import androidx.compose.foundation.background
import androidx.compose.foundation.border
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.*
import androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.*
import androidx.compose.material.Text
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import com.gfg.lazycomponents.ui.theme.GreenGfg
import com.gfg.lazycomponents.ui.theme.LazyComponentsTheme

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {

    // Creates array as [0,1,2,3,4,5,.....99]
    private val numbers: Array<Int> = Array(100) { it + 1 }

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            LazyComponentsTheme {

                    modifier = Modifier
                ) {
                    // Place the row and column
                    // to take 50% height of screen
                    Column(Modifier.fillMaxHeight(0.5f)) {

                        // Heading
                            text = "Row",
                            color = Color.Black,
                            modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp)

                        // Lazy Row,pass the numbers array
                        LazyRowExample(numbers = numbers)

                        // Heading
                            text = "Column",
                            color = Color.Black,
                            modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp)
                        // Lazy Column, Pass the numbers array
                        LazyColumnExample(numbers = numbers)

                    Column(Modifier.fillMaxHeight()) {

                        // Heading
                            text = "Grid",
                            color = Color.Black,
                            modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp)

                        // Lazy Grid
                        GridExample(numbers = numbers)

fun LazyRowExample(numbers: Array<Int>) {
    // Place A lazy Row
        contentPadding = PaddingValues(8.dp),

        // Each Item in LazyRow have a 8.dp margin
        horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp)
    ) {

        // item places one item on the LazyScope
        item {
            RowItem(number = 0)

        // items(count) places number of items supplied
        // as count and gives current count in the lazyItemScope
        items(10) {currentCount->
            RowItem(number = currentCount)

        // items(list/array) places number of items 
        // same as the size of list/array and gives 
        // current list/array item in the lazyItemScope
        items(numbers) {arrayItem-> // Here numbers is Array<Int> so we 
                                      // get Int in the scope.
            RowItem(number = arrayItem)

        // items(list/array) places number of items 
        // same as the size of list/array and gives
        // current list/array item and currentIndex
        // in the lazyItemScope
        itemsIndexed(numbers) { index: Int, item: Int ->
            RowItem(number = index)

fun RowItem(number: Int) {
    // Simple Row Composable
        modifier = Modifier
            .size(100.dp) // Size 100 dp
            .background(Color.White) // Background White
            .border(1.dp, GreenGfg), // Border color green

        // Align Items in Center
        verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
        horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
    ) {
        // Text Composable which displays some 
        // kind of message , text color is green
        Text(text = "This Is Item Number $number", color = GreenGfg)

fun ColumnItem(number: Int) {

        modifier = Modifier
            .border(1.dp, GreenGfg),
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
        horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally

    ) {
        Text(text = "This Is Item Number $number", color = GreenGfg)

fun LazyColumnExample(numbers: Array<Int>) {
        contentPadding = PaddingValues(8.dp),
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp)
    ) {
        // item places one item on the LazyScope
        item {
            ColumnItem(number = 0)

        // items(count) places number of items supplied 
        // as count and gives current count in the lazyItemScope
        items(10) {currentCount->
            ColumnItem(number = currentCount)

        // items(list/array) places number of items
        // same as the size of list/array and gives 
        // current list/array item in the lazyItemScope
        items(numbers) {arrayItem->
            ColumnItem(number = arrayItem)

        // items(list/array) places number of 
        // items same as the size of list/array 
        // and gives current list/array item and 
        // currentIndex in the lazyItemScope
        itemsIndexed(numbers) { index, item ->
            ColumnItem(number = index)

// add the annotation, 
// since [LazyVerticalGrid] is Experimental Api
fun GridExample(numbers: Array<Int>) {
    // Lazy Vertical grid

        // fix the item in one row to be 2.
        cells = GridCells.Fixed(2),

        contentPadding = PaddingValues(8.dp),

        ) {
        item {
            RowItem(number = 0)
        items(10) {
            RowItem(number = it)
        items(numbers) {
            RowItem(number = it)
        itemsIndexed(numbers) { index, item ->
            RowItem(number = index)



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