

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/display-file-contents-based-online-number/

编写一个 Perl 程序,根据命令行参数给出的行号,以排序顺序(升序)显示文件内容。请注意,行号可以是任何顺序,如果行号很大,就会抛出错误。

语法: perl **Filename.pl** **File_to_be_read.abc** **x y z** 这里, Filename.pl 是包含 perl 脚本 File _ to _ be _ read . ABC是要读取的文件的名称。该文件可以是任何类型。文字、脚本等。 x y z 是要打印的行号。

方法: 对行号进行排序,不包括第一个参数,即文件名。一旦排序,使用单个语句 (my @file = < FNAME > ) 将文件的全部内容读入数组。现在循环遍历排序后的行号,并通过将行号作为索引传递给文件数组来显示文件内容,如(print " $ file[$ var-1]\ n ";)。

示例 1: 考虑一个文件 Hello.txt

use warnings;
use strict;

# Check if line numbers are given as an input
if (@ARGV < 2)
    die "usage: pick file_name line_no1 line_no2 ...";

open FNAME, $ARGV[0] or die "cannot open file";

# Exclude the first argument 
# for sorting line numbers
shift (@ARGV); 
my @line_numbers = sort { $a <=> $b } @ARGV; 

# Read whole file content into an array 
# and removes new line using chomp()
chomp (my @file = <FNAME>);

foreach my $var (@line_numbers) 
    if ($var> $#file)
        print "Line number $var is too large\n";
    print "$file[$var-1]\n";
close FNAME;


例 2: 读取同一个脚本文件

use warnings;
use strict;

# Check if line numbers are given as an input
if (@ARGV < 2)
    die "usage: pick file_name line_no1 line_no2 ...";

open FNAME, $ARGV[0] or die "cannot open file";

# Exclude the first argument 
# for sorting line numbers
shift (@ARGV); 
my @line_numbers = sort { $a <=> $b } @ARGV; 

# Read whole file content into an array 
# and removes new line using chomp()
chomp (my @file = <FNAME>);

foreach my $var (@line_numbers) 
    if ($var> $#file)
        print "Line number $var is too large\n";
    print "$file[$var-1]\n";
close FNAME;




