
Perl |打开和读取文件

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/perl-打开并读取文件/

文件句柄是一种内部 Perl 结构,它将物理文件与一个名称相关联。所有文件句柄都具有读/写访问权限,因此一旦文件句柄连接到文件,就可以进行读/写操作。但是,在关联文件句柄时,将指定打开文件句柄的模式。

Opening a File



这里,FILEHANDLE 是打开函数返回的句柄,VAR 是具有文件名和打开文件模式的表达式。 下表显示了可以打开文件和访问各种操作的模式。 **r+9

| model | describe | | Or r < | Read-only access | | W or > | Create, write and truncate | | Or > > | Write, append and create |**

Reading a file

一旦一个 FILEHANDLE 被分配了一个文件,就可以进行读、写、追加等各种操作。读取文件有许多不同的方法。

  • 使用文件句柄操作符
  • 使用 getc 函数
  • 使用读取功能

  • The FileHandle Operator The main method of reading the information from an open filehandle is using the operator < >. When < > operator is used in a list context, it returns a list of lines from the specified filehandle. The example below reads one line from the file and stores it in the scalar.

    让文件“gfg . txt”的内容如下:

    ```perl GeeksforGeeks Hello Geek Geek a revolution Geeks are the best




    Opening the file

    open(fh, "GFG.txt") or die "File '$filename' can't be opened";

    Reading First line from the file

    \(firstline = <fh>; print "\)firstline\n"; ```


  • getc Function The getc function returns a single character from the specified FILEHANDLE, or STDIN if none is specified

    语法: getc FILEHANDLE


    Opening the file

    open(fh, "GFG.txt") or die "File '$filename' can't be opened";

    Reading First char from the file

    \(firstchar = getc(fh); print "\)firstchar\n"; ```


    如果有错误或者文件句柄在文件的末尾,那么它返回 undef。

  • read Function The read function is used to read binary data from a file using filehandle.

    语法 读取文件句柄,标量,长度,偏移量 读取文件句柄,标量,长度

    这里,LENGTH 表示要读取的数据的长度,如果没有指定 OFFSET,数据将放在 SCALAR 的开头。否则,数据将被放在 SCALAR 中的 OFFSET 字节之后。文件读取成功后,函数返回读取的字节数,文件末尾为零,如果有错误,则返回 undef。

    Reading Multiple line at a time




    Opening the file

    open(FH, "GFG.txt")or die "Sorry!! couldn't open"; print "Reading file \n";

    Reading the file till FH reaches EOF

    while() {     # Printing one line at a time     print $_; } close; ```


    Exception Handling in Files


    • 如果文件无法打开,将引发异常
    • 如果文件无法打开并继续运行,则发出警告
    • Throw an Exception When filehandle could not be assigned a valid file pointer at that time die gets executed printing the message and kills the current program. Example :


      Initializing filename

      $filename = 'GFG1.txt';

      Prints an error and exits if file not found

      open(fh, '<', $filename) or die "Couldn't Open file $filename"; ```



    • Give a warning When filehandle could not be assigned a valid file pointer it just prints warning message using warn function and keeps running. Example :


      Initializing filename

      $filename = 'GFG.txt';

      Opening a file and reading content

      if(open(fh, '<', $filename)) {     while()     {         print $_;     } }

      Executes if file not found

      else {   warn "Couldn't Open a file $filename"; } ```



