
Perl |实现队列


先决条件: 堆栈 队列Perl 中是一个线性抽象数据结构,遵循 FIFO (先进先出)顺序。它类似于我们在日常生活中遇到的排队,先到者先得。两端都是开放的。与堆栈中插入和删除操作发生在堆栈顶端的同一端不同,队列中这些操作发生在队列前端和后端的不同端。****



  1. **入队(插入):向队列中添加一个项目。如果队列已满,则会出现溢出情况。****
  2. **出列(删除):从队列中删除一个项目。如果队列为空,则会出现下溢情况。****
  3. **前置:从队列中获取前置项目。****
  4. **后方:从队列中获取最后一个物品。****



*在 Perl 中创建队列非常简单。这可以通过声明一个数组来实现,该数组可以是空的,也可以用一些预填充的数据初始化。*

**@queue;        # Queue is empty.

@queue = (1, 2, 3);      # Queue with initialized values.**




*简单队列只是一个队列,其中插入发生在前面,删除发生在队列的末尾。 在 Perl 中,队列的操作可以使用 *pushshift 函数来实现。 推功能用于在队列末尾添加一个或多个值。 shift功能将队列向左移动一个单位,删除(弹出)第一个元素。如果队列为空,将返回取消。****


*Perl 语言*

use strict;
use warnings;

# Intitialising the Queue
my @queue = (1, 2, 3);

# Original queue
print "Original Queue: @queue";

# Pushing values into queue
push(@queue, (4, 5, 6)); 

# Updated Queue after 
# Push operation
print("\nUpdated Queue after Push: @queue");

# Popping values from queue
my $val1 = shift(@queue);
print("\nElement popped is: $val1");
my $val2 = shift(@queue);
print("\nElement popped is: $val2"); 

# Updated Queue after 
# Pop operations
print("\nUpdated Queue after Pop: @queue");**


Original Queue: 1 2 3
Updated Queue after Push: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Element popped is: 1
Element popped is: 2
Updated Queue after Pop: 3 4 5 6

### ****循环队列****




## ****Perl 语言****

use strict;
use warnings;

# Intitialising the Queue
my @queue = (1, 2, 3);
my $size = 7; # No. of elements to be stored in queue

# Initially queue has three elements
my $front = 0;
my $rear = 2;

# Original queue
print "Original Queue: @queue";

# Pushing values into queue
$rear = ($rear + 1) % $size;
my $val = 4;
    if ($rear == $front)
        print("\nQueue is full.");
        print("\nPushed $val in queue");
        $queue[$rear] = $val;
        $rear = ($rear + 1) % $size;
        $val += 1;

# Updated Queue after
# Push operation
print("\nUpdated Queue after Push: @queue");

# Popping values from queue
my $val1 = $queue[$front];
$queue[$front] = -1;
$front = ($front + 1) % $size;
print("\nElement popped is: $val1");

my $val2 = $queue[$front];
$queue[$front] = -1;
$front = ($front + 1) % $size;
print("\nElement popped is: $val2");

# Updated Queue after
# Pop operations
print("\nUpdated Queue after Pop: @queue");
    if ($rear % $size == $front)
        print("\nQueue is full.");
        print("\nPushed $val in queue");
        $queue[$rear] = $val;
        $rear += 1;
        $val += 1;
print("\nUpdated Queue after Push: @queue");**


Original Queue: 1 2 3
Pushed 4 in queue
Pushed 5 in queue
Pushed 6 in queue
Pushed 7 in queue
Queue is full.
Updated Queue after Push: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Element popped is: 1
Element popped is: 2
Updated Queue after Pop: -1 -1 3 4 5 6 7
Pushed 8 in queue
Pushed 9 in queue
Queue is full.
Updated Queue after Push: 8 9 3 4 5 6 7

### ****优先级队列****



## ****Perl 语言****

use strict;
use warnings;

# Initialising queue with priority
my @queue = ([1, 3], [2, 7], [4, 3], [5, 2]);

sub pull_highest_prio
    my $max = 0;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@queue); $i++)
        if ($queue[$i][1] > $queue[$max][1])
            $max = $i;
    print("\nPopped item: $queue[$max][0], ",
          "Priority: $queue[$max][1]");
    splice @queue, $max, 1;

# Driver Code
print("\nOriginal Queue is ");
for (my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++)
    print("$queue[$i][0] ");
push(@queue, [11, 9]);
push(@queue, [7, 0]);

print("\nUpdated Queue after push is ");
for (my $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++)
    print("$queue[$i][0] ");

print("\nUpdated Queue after pop is ");
for (my $i = 0; $i < 2; $i++)
    print("$queue[$i][0] ");


Original Queue is 1 2 4 5 
Updated Queue after push is 1 2 4 5 11 7 
Popped item: 11, Priority: 9
Popped item: 2, Priority: 7
Popped item: 1, Priority: 3
Popped item: 4, Priority: 3
Updated Queue after pop is 5 7

### ****双端队列****



## ****Perl 语言****

use strict;
use warnings;

# Intitialising the Queue
my @queue = (1, 2, 3);
my $front = 0;
my $rear = 2;
sub insert_front
    my $val = $_[0];
    unshift(@queue, $val);
    $rear += 1;

sub insert_rear
    my $val = $_[0];
    push(@queue, $val);
    $rear += 1;

sub delete_front
    print("\nElement popped is: $queue[0]");
    splice @queue, 0, 1;
    $rear -= 1;

sub delete_rear
    print("\nElement popped is: $queue[$rear]");
    splice @queue, scalar(@queue) - 1, 1;
    $rear -= 1;

# Original queue
print "Original Queue: @queue";

# Pushing values into queue
print("\nRear element is $queue[$rear]");
print("\nFront element is $queue[$front]");

# Updated Queue after
# Push operation
print("\nUpdated Queue after Push: @queue");

# Popping values from queue
print("\nFront element is $queue[$front]");

print("\nRear element is $queue[$rear]");

# Updated Queue after
# Pop operations
print("\nUpdated Queue after Pop: @queue");**


Original Queue: 1 2 3
Rear element is 3
Front element is 7
Updated Queue after Push: 7 1 1 2 3 4 3
Element popped is: 3
Element popped is: 7
Front element is 1
Element popped is: 4
Rear element is 3
Updated Queue after Pop: 20 1 1 2 3

### ****抽象实现****

在 Perl 中,队列的抽象实现可以使用 Perl 的内置模块 **Thread::Queue** 来实现,该模块提供线程安全的 FIFO 队列,可以被任意数量的线程访问。****


1.  ******新建(列表)**–使用提供的项目列表创建新队列,如果未列出,则创建新的空队列。****
2.  ******入队(列表)**–将项目列表添加到队列末尾。****
3.  ******出列(计数)**–从队列头部移除请求的项目数,并返回它们,如果未提及,则从队列中出列一个元素。****
4.  ******pending()**–返回队列中还剩下的项目数或者我们可以说,它基本上返回队列的大小。****
5.  ******end()**–声明不再向队列中添加项目。****


## ****Perl 语言****

use strict;
use warnings;

use Thread::Queue;

# A new pre-populated queue
my $q = Thread::Queue->new(1, 2, 3);    

sub head
    if ($q->pending() == 0)
        print("\nThe queue is empty.");
        my $item = $q->dequeue();
        print("\nHead of the Queue is $item.");
my $isize = $q->pending();
print("Initial size of the queue is $isize");

# insert three items at the back of the queue
$q->enqueue(5, 6, 7);    

my $size = $q->pending();
print("\nThe size of the queue is $size");

# delete the head item of the queue

# delete two items from the front
my $size2 = $q->pending();
print"\nThe size of the queue is $size2";



 size of the queue is 3
Head of the Queue is 1.
The size of the queue is 5
Head of the Queue is 3.
The size of the queue is 1
Head of the Queue is 7.
The queue is empty.

### ****并行或异步处理****

为了克服这个问题,Perl 提供了一些并行或异步处理的方法,以便这些操作可以同时运行,或者不等待其他操作结束。对此的两个主要解决方案是**穿线**和**分叉**。分叉是为某个进程创建完全相同的副本,然后这两个进程并行执行,它们的变量之间没有太多联系,尽管它们操作或处理相同的变量(副本)。使用**叉()**功能完成。****


## ****Perl 语言****

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

say "PID $";
my $pid = fork();
die if not defined $pid;
say "PID $ ($pid)";**


perl PID 22112 PID 22112 (22113) PID 22113 (0)****

*在调用 *fork() 之前,我们得到了一个 PID (22112),这是当前进程的进程 ID,分叉之后我们得到了两行。第一个打印行来自与当前相同的进程(它具有相同的 PID),第二个打印行来自子进程(具有 PID 63779)。第一个从 fork 收到一个$pid,包含子进程的编号。第二,子进程得到了数字 0。 Perl 还通过 POE 框架支持事件驱动编程。****


