正则表达式中的 Perl | pos()函数
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/perl-pos-function-in-正则表达式/
Perl 中的 pos() 函数用于使用 Regex 中的“m”修饰符返回最后一场比赛的位置。 pos 函数可以和 Regex 中的字符类一起使用,返回给定字符串中所有需要的子字符串位置的列表。全局运算符“g”也可以与“m”修饰符一起使用,在整个文本中搜索子字符串。
语法: pos(字符串) 参数:应用正则表达式 后的字符串返回:匹配子字符串 的位置
示例 1: 使用子字符串
Perl 语言
# Program to print position of a substring
$String = "Geeks For Geeks";
print" Position of 'G' in string:\n";
# Regex to search for substring
# using m modifier
while($String =~ m/G/g)
# Finding the position of substring
# using pos() function
$position = pos($String);
print "$position\n";
Position of 'G' in string:
示例 2: 使用角色类
Perl 语言
# Program to print position of a substring
$String = "Geeks For Geeks";
print "Position of all Uppercase characters:\n";
# Regex to search for
# all the upper case characters
# using character class
while($String =~ m/[A-Z]/g)
# Finding the position of substring
# using pos() function
$position = pos($String);
print "$position, ";
print "\nPosition of all Lowercase characters:\n";
# Regex to search for
# all the lower case characters
# using character class
while($String =~ m/[a-z]/g)
# Finding the position of substring
# using pos() function
$position = pos($String);
print "$position, ";
Position of all Uppercase characters:
1, 7, 11,
Position of all Lowercase characters:
2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15,
例 3: 空间位置
Perl 语言
# Program to print position of a substring
$String = "Geeks For Geeks";
# Regex to search for
# all the spaces
while($String =~ m/\s/g)
# Finding the position of substring
# using pos() function
$position = pos($String);
print "$position\n";
使用\G 断言从指定位置匹配: \ GPerl Regex 中的断言用于匹配从 pos()函数指定的位置开始的子串,直到 Regex 中指定的匹配字符。这将返回由“m”修饰符指定的字符的第一次出现的位置。 例:
Perl 语言
# Defining the default string
$_ = "Geeks World is the best";
# Terminating character
# using m modifier
# Specifying the starting position
$position = pos();
# Using \G Assertion
# Printing the position
# and the remaining string
print "$position $1";
8 rld is the best
在上面的示例中,匹配子字符串的第一次出现的位置与剩余的字符串一起打印。如果需要为匹配字符的下一次出现重新开始计数位置,只需将$1 中的剩余字符串存储到默认字符串中。 例:
Perl 语言
# Defining the default string
$_ = "Geeks World is the best among all";
# Terminating character
# using m modifier
# Specifying the starting position
$position = pos();
# Using \G Assertion
# Printing the position
# and the remaining string
print "$position $1\n";
# To start counting from the matched character
# until the next possible match
$_ = $1;
$position = pos();
# Using \G Assertion
# Printing the position
# and the remaining string
print "$position $1\n";
8 rld is the best among all
19 ng all