
函数递归中的 Perl |尾调用

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/perl-tail-函数内调用-递归/


尾部递归函数是递归的一种特殊情况,其中函数调用语句作为过程的最终动作执行。所以 **return loop(..);** 会起作用,但是 **return loop() + operation;** 不会。尾部递归(或尾端递归)特别有用,并且在实现中通常很容易处理。尾递归的实现主要是为了避免堆栈数据结构占用空间,堆栈数据结构跟踪前一个递归调用语句返回的数据。


例子 1:


# Perl Program to calculate Factorial 

# Recursion without tail call
sub recurse_fact 
    my $x = $_[0]; 

    # checking if that value is 0 or 1 
    if ($x == 0 || $x == 1) 
        return 1; 

    # Recursively calling function with 
    # the next value which is one less
    # than current one 
        return $x * recurse_fact($x - 1); 

# Recursion using Tail Call
sub tail_recurse_fact 
    my ($ans, $x) = @_; 

    # checking if that value is 0 or 1 
    if ($x == 0 || $x == 1) 
        return $ans; 

    # Recursively calling function with 
    # the next value which is one less
    # than current one 
        return tail_recurse_fact($ans * $x, $x - 1); 

# Driver Code 
$a = 5; 

# Function call and printing result after return 
print "Factorial of a number $a ", 
          "through recursion is ", recurse_fact($a);

print "\nFactorial of a number $a ", 
       "through tail-recursion is ", 
           tail_recurse_fact(1, $a); 


Factorial of a number 5 through recursion is 120
Factorial of a number 5 through tail-recursion is 120


实施例 2:


# Perl program to demonstrate the
# use of tail-recursion
use strict;
use warnings;

sub recurse_fib
    my $n = shift;

    if ($n == 1 or $n == 2) 
        return 1 

    # recursive calling
    return (recurse_fib($n - 1) + 
            recurse_fib($n - 2));         

sub tail_recurse_fib 
    my ($n, $a, $b) = @_;

    if ($n == 1) 
        return $a
    if ($n == 2) 
        return $b
        # tail recursive calling
        return tail_recurse_fib($n - 1, $b, $a + $b)         

# Driver code
$a = 10;
print "Fibonacci upto $a through recursion is ", 
print "\nFibonacci upto $a through tail-recursion is ", 
                            tail_recurse_fib($a, 1, 1); 


Fibonacci upto 10 through recursion is 55
Fibonacci upto 10 through tail-recursion is 55

使用goto语句演示 Tail 递归: **goto**将编译器从当前运行的子程序转移到给定名称的子程序。这将替换函数调用,并以同样的方式创建递归过程。

# Perl program to demonstrate the
# use of tail-recursion
use warnings;

sub recurse
    my $i = shift;
    return if $i == 0;
    recurse($i - 1);

sub tail_recurse 
    my $i = shift;
    return if $i == 0;
    @_ = ($i - 1);
    goto &tail_recurse;

# Driver Code
print "recursing\n";

print "tail_recursing\n";






有时候深度递归方法是解决问题最简单的方法,但是如果你递归超过几百次调用,你就会遇到 Perl 的“深度递归”错误。这就是为什么在 Perl 中尾部递归被用于非尾部递归代码的原因。

如果我们仔细看看上面讨论的函数,我们可以用 goto 删除最后一次调用。下面是尾部呼叫消除的例子。

示例 1:一个数的阶乘


# Perl Program to calculate Factorial 
sub tail_recurse_fact 
    my $ans = shift; 
    my $x = shift; 

    # checking if that value is 0 or 1 
    if ($x == 0 || $x == 1) 
        return $ans; 

    # Recursively calling function with 
    # the next value which is one less 
    # than current one 
        @_ = ($x * $ans, $x - 1);
        goto &tail_recurse_fact; 

# Driver Code 
$a = 5; 

# Function call and printing result after return
print "Factorial of a number $a ", 
     "through tail-recursion is ", 
         tail_recurse_fact(1, $a); 


Factorial of a number 5 through tail-recursion is 120

例 2:斐波那契厄普


# Perl program to demonstrate the
# use of tail-recursion-elimination
use strict;
use warnings;

sub tail_recurse_fib
    my $n = shift;
    my $a = shift;
    my $b = shift;

    if ($n == 1) 
        return $a
    if ($n == 2) 
        return $b
        @_ = ($n - 1, $b, $a + $b);

        # tail recursive calling
        goto &tail_recurse_fib;        

# Driver code
$a = 10;
print "Fibonacci upto $a through tail-recursion is ",
                          tail_recurse_fib($a, 1, 1); 


Fibonacci upto 10 through recursion is 55
Fibonacci upto 10 through tail-recursion is 55
