Perl | unde 和定义的函数
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/perl-undf-and-the-defined-function/
用于那些没有赋值的变量。人们可以将其与空值进行比较(在 Java、PHP 等中)。)和零(在 Ruby 中)。所以基本上当程序员声明一个 标量 变量并且不赋值的时候,这个变量就应该包含unde值。在 Perl 中,如果一个变量的初始值是 undef,那么它将不打印任何东西。 *例:*
Perl 语言
# Perl program for undef variable
# variable which declared without
# initial value
# variable x without initial value
my $x;
# printing its value
print "The value of x is = ${x}";
The value of x is =
- *例:*
Perl 语言
# Perl program to illustrate
# the undef() function
# a variable with initial value 10
$k = 10;
# displaying its initial value
print "The value of variable k is ${k}\n";
# undef the variable
undef $k;
# value after the undef function
print "The value of variable k is ${x}\n";
# a variable with initial value 20
$m = 20;
# displaying its initial value
print "The value of variable m is ${m}\n";
# undef the variable
# you can also use
# $m = undef;
$m = undef();
# value after the undef function
print "The value of variable m is ${m}\n";
- *输出:*
The value of variable k is 10
The value of variable k is
The value of variable m is 20
The value of variable m is
- *语法:*
defined $variable_name
- *例:*
Perl 语言
# Perl program to illustrate
# the defined() function.
# a variable assigned value 15
$k = 15;
# To check if variable is defined or not
if (defined $k)
print "k is defined\n";
print "k is not defined\n";
# undef the variable
$k = undef;
# To check if the variable is defined or not
if (defined $k)
print "k is defined\n";
print "k is not defined\n";
- *输出:*
k is defined
k is not defined
*注意:虽然未定义变量*没有定义值,但是在操作过程中可以取空值。例如,如果用户将两个变量 x 和 y 相加,其中 x 是 5,y 是未定义的,那么结果仍然是 5,因为 y 将取值 0。类似地,如果用户将两个字符串 strx 和 stry 连接起来,strx 的值为“GGF”,stry 为“未定义”,那么结果将是“GFG”,因为 stry 取空字符串“”的值。
- *例:*
Perl 语言
# Perl program to demonstrate behaviour
# of undef variables, during operation
# like arithmetic, concatenation etc.
# first variable assigned with value
$x = 125;
# second variable with no value
my $y;
# arithmetic operation
$z = $x + $y;
# displaying sum
print "The sum of x and y is ${z}\n";
# declaring strx and assigned a value to it
$strx = "GFG";
# declaring stry without assigned value
my $stry;
# string concatenation
$strz = $strx.$stry;
# after concatenation
print "After concatenation of strx and stry ${strz}\n";
- *输出:*
The sum of x and y is 125
After concatenation of strx and stry GFG